Price/Deals comparison website Já

Price comparison for communications and education
Price comparison
Blog JáComparou
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Facebook Fanpage to live in liberty

 Communications B2B and B2C: home, mobile lines, broadband, paid TV

  Online Education B2C: professional, languages and graduations

 Organic and direct traffic

 250k Pageviews

 65k unique users

 13k likes on Facebook page

R$ 0,00 marketing investment 


Methods to track leads end-to-end for sales operations

Dashboard sales for the business and providers

The methods has been implemented in call center operations to define

processes, marketing planning and measure the cost per acquisition from distinct sources platforms and groups of customers (sales channel).

see more about the method.


Others project i’m proud to be part

Home Decor –

Restructure business: Marketing & finances

Developed social media and website

Namaste Brazil –


Website development

Jewelers & Accessories –

E-Commerce development

Strategies to enter other countries

The Agency “This Place move” was created as part of the core 3 times (think well, speak well, act well)  in partnership with people collaborating with ideas, development and connections.

It is an agency with purpose to make the moviment through art, travel and love for what you do!

With partnerships and associates we have created 3 products to be promoted through the Marketing and Communication Agency

Experience of the 4 elements of nature – In person

Realization of projects and dreams

IKIGAI Journey – In person

Create, form and sign Purpose

An Initiation – online with individual mentoring

Program focused on project execution.